Calvin has been 2 for a few weeks but I haven't had a chance to write about it. Where has the time gone. It's hard to believe that my baby isn't quite a baby anymore. We only go to the baby aisle at the store for diapers and wipes. Within a year or two, we won't even need to do that.
I need to find the picture of him smiling during the singing.
Even now I sometimes hear him sing "happy birthday" to himself.
He's making that change from baby to toddler and soon little boy. He runs, jumps, dances. That boy sure loves to dance. The kitchen has become his favorite dance floor. After dinner, I often catch him singing Ring Around the Rosie and dancing around in circles. Twinkle Twinkle is another favorite. But the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Hot Dog Dance is still his favorite. It's funny because just in the last few months has he started to play with his boy toys from his 1st birthday or Christmas. He loves cars and his Little People car ramp. For his birthday, my mom gave him a little trainset. He loves it but still gets pretty frustrated with it. I often find him dumping the wooden box and just sitting in the box. I still try to clean up the train tracks every day but it seems so futile because he just dumps them out the next day! He loves playing with his little figures and they all play together - Little People, Mickey Mouse, Sesame Street and Princesses. I'm glad we still have all of Laci's playsets and he plays with them. She occasionally does too. Sports is still his main love. Anything with a ball. Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer. He is a mini Purdue fan. He knows who Purdue Pete is and gets excited to wear his new Purdue clothes from his grandma.
I love the look of terror on Charlie's face. That's the look we all
have when Calvin has a tennis racket, ball or club in his hand. |
Go Purdue! |
The biggest change of all in the last few months has been his talking. He talks pretty well - at least to us he does. I'm so glad we had the second set of tubes put in. I can't believe the difference it made for him now that he can hear. Right now he repeats everything we say and it is so funny. He's like a little parrot. Sometimes we say funny things just to get him to repeat it. He's a sweet little boy too. The other day, I told him he can't eat his cereal in the family room and I moved it into the kitchen. He sat down and said "Okay, sorry." It was so cute. He has the sweetest little inflection when he says No too. We play this little game where I sing a song and he interrupts with "Nnooo..." For a long time, he only said no and would only nod yes. But a few days ago, he started saying "yeah" or "okay". The first time he did it, he said "yeah" so clearly, Charlie and I just looked at each other and asked "Did he say that?". Now he answers with "okay" a lot but the inflection still isn't quite right. He's figuring it all out.
We are definitely in the "terrible twos" world. I told Laci that we need to be prepared for lots of tantrums. I also warned her that it will last a few years. We have to start disciplining. I am the world's worst discipliner so I hope I can do better this time than I did with Laci. It's hard to stay strong in a tantrum and so easy to give it. He still goes to bed early and is usually down by 7:30. I have noticed that when he is tired, the crankiness is more. But isn't that true of all of us? When I picked him up at school, his teacher told me that they are working on sharing with him and to stop screaming when he doesn't get his way. I agree that he doesn't share and he screams a lot! I told her that I have to remind myself a lot that he is TWO! She said she does that a lot too. :)
He may be a "big boy" now but he is still and always will be our Little Guy.