Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The next lesson...

Laci's secret is out.  Although I have suspected it for awhile, Laci can read.  Whenever I asked her to sit down and try to read a few words with me, she always refused.  We play a game called "Stump Laci".  I spell simple 4 letter words and she tells me what the word is.  If she can do that, I figured she must be able to read a little.  So I asked her teacher and she responded "Of course, Laci can read."  When her teacher told her to sit down with me to read, she did.  I don't know why she doesn't do what I ask her to do but I am glad she does what her teacher asks her to do.  

Fortunately, we have a lot of level 1 and 2 Dora and Princess books handed down by my nieces.  I love older cousins!  I would like to sit down with her every night but if I can get her to sit down quietly and read with me every few days, we're doing okay.  Laci responds well to praise so I am making a big deal of reading.  She is still in the beginning stages of reading and sounding out the words.  She confuses the b and d and asks each time which it is.  I confuse d and b too sometimes so I can't blame her.  She is super slow and not fluid at all but she is doing it!  Last night, we spent half an hour on a short 10 page book.  It was painful for me.  She kept bobbing up and down and scooting around the room.  But she did it.  It was funny because every time I would just read the word to her, she would say "Mo-om, don't do that.  I'm not 2!"  Or something like that.  She is not a baby and doesn't need my help.  Laci learning to read may be my next lesson in parent patience.  Laci still has a year and a half before kindergarten.  It will be a long year and a half.  Her teachers say that she is already bored in class.  Maybe this will be a good lesson in patience and understanding for all of us.  


  1. Don't forget she works hard all day in school and is probably ready for some down time. I know MJ is that way. He'll write all kinds of things at school but it's torture to get him to write his name at home. Congrats on your reader!

  2. I had to remember this last night when she was struggling a lot with her reading. She works hard all day and needs patience and a break at night. Thanks for the reminder!
