Was my 10k successful or not? I am not sure. Before I get into the run itself, let me say a bit about the event. It was a great event put on by a good family that had something terrible happen to them. They lost a child. My coworker and I have worked together in the past and have always gotten along very well. Our daughters are the same age, born within a month of each other and when we worked together, we talk about our kids a lot. I haven't worked with him in awhile. Our sons were supposed to be born within a month of each other too. But his never had a chance and was still born. I can not even imagine what they have gone through this past year. Unfortunately, they are not the only family I know that have gone through that. This morning as I was feeding my one year old son, I got a little choked up that they do not get to feed their son.
The event was great. There was a good turnout from the office and a good overall turnout. They even had to start it 20 minutes late because there was a long line to get into the park. Before the run, they had a balloon liftoff and honored all the babies that were lost by reading their names as their families released their balloons. It was hard not to be effected.
The course was hilly. I do not do hills. I started slowing down on the first hill. What comes up must come down so I was just waiting for the downhills! I started to realize that this would be slower than I hoped. But it was a good cause. I got to mile 3, still on pace for my slow goal. I had thrown my fast goal out the window by this time. And then it all went downhill. Figuratively - I did not get to actually run downhill. Someone started telling us to turn. Big mistake! I was with a group that got lost. Suddenly I was on a unmarked trail. It didn't seem right but we all just kept going. After awhile, a group of us stopped and didn't know what to do. Every other race I have ever done was so clearly marked. I was in the middle of a wooded area hoping not to fall. Suddenly I didn't care to finish the race, I just wanted out. It was awful. We just kept going. Up and down bridges and stairs. I wanted to see the path! We finally made it out. We asked a volunteer and she said we had less than 2 miles to go and by taking that wrong trail, our finish would be about 6.5 miles. By this time, I was in a group of about 6. We just ran to the finish. I don't know how long we ran but our time was 59:58. I started talking to other coworkers and everyone doing the 10k got lost. And not in the same way! People were running all over the place. We shared stories of the goofy loops we made and the crazy paths we were on. Some people estimated they ran 7 or 7.5 miles. Some people were guessing 5 miles. I looked at the map of the course after and my guess was that I did about 5 miles. Unfortunately, I was upset and disappointed about it. It wasn't anyone fault. But it means that one of my 3 running goals has not been achieved. I am 0 for 2 so far. My third goal (400 miles) is still very achievable. I have 100 miles to go. I know of a 10k near my house in November that I am planning to do to recoup this goal. All in all it was a successful event for a good cause for a good family.
P.S. Calvin has successful moved up to the 13m - 18m room at daycare. But he is sitll not walking. Standing better and oh so close to walking. Any day now...
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